Northbrook High School

#1 Radier Circle
Houston, TX 77080

New User Registration

Student      Teacher/Faculty

This is a private website intended only for students that attended Northbrook High School in Houston, TX. Former and current staff members are also permitted to register. All new registrations will have to be verified by either the site administrator or their class administrator.

Newest Members

Jeff Falls
Class of 84'
Mike Gasiorowski
Class of 80'
Mario Lopez
Class of 96'
Patrick Gallahue
Class of 80'
Debbie Davenport
Class of 77'
Jerry Ripkowski
Class of 80'
Valerie Martinez
Class of 04'
Danny Medrano
Class of 93'
Cari Collins
Class of 87'
Maria Urias
Class of 08'
Joe Schultea
Class of 75'
Bobby Boone
Class of 75'
Ryan Dodson
Class of 96'
Kenneth Wilson
Class of 78'
Paul Nicholson,Jr
Class of 79'
Helen Whaley (Dix)
Class of 90'
Dennis Germenis
Class of 75'
Belynda Davenport
Class of 77'
Genesis Cruz
Class of 02'
John Falls
Class of 80'
Doug Davison
Class of 81'
Patrick Baldwin
Class of 84'
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